

The role of CACR Fellow is open to all research-active cybersecurity faculty and staff, both from Indiana University and external institutions. CACR welcomes our fellows to engage in research, events, and Cyber Conversations to help grow our interdisciplinary community of cybersecurity scholars and practitioners.

Self nominate by contacting cacr@iu.edu. Nominations are reviewed by CACR leadership regularly. Please be sure to include why you are interested in a fellowship and the team will contact you soon.  

We are honored to recognize the following distinguished CACR Fellows:

Senior Fellows

Senior Fellows provide extraordinary and sustained service to both CACR and the wider Indiana University cybersecurity community. New Senior Fellows are nominated and inducted once per year at the final CACR Speaker Series event of the Spring term.

View our Senior Fellows

Student Fellows

CACR launched a Student Fellows Program in 2024 as a natural succession to our positive historical experiences hosting student interns and student fellows. The fellowships are for a full academic year and the application deadlines for cohorts beginning in the fall are announced the prior spring semester.