- Email:
- durresi@cs.iupui.edu

Arjan Durresi is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at IUPUI. His current research interests include network architectures, heterogeneous wireless networks, security, QoS routing protocols, traffic management, optical and satellite networks, and bio-computing. Durresi has authored more than seventy journal papers and more than one hundred conference papers in the above topics. He is the editor for several journals, including Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Transactions on Networks and Communications and Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence. Durresi has organized many international conferences and workshops in networking and security. He was the Chair of the 23rd IEEE AINA-2009 , PC Chair of ARES 2009 and NBiS 2009. His research is funded by NSF, States of Ohio and Louisiana, and industry sources.